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echo,,en,while,,en,rij = mysql_fetch_object,,en,result,,nl,driving & gt; COL_CALL,,nl,COL_CALL,,en,target=,,en,_blank,,en,>,,en,row & gt; COL_BAND,,nl,row & gt; COL_MODE,,nl,row & gt; COL_RST_RCVD,,nl “

Newest QSO’s.
while ($rij = mysql_fetch_object($resultaat)) {
echo,,en,while,,en,rij = mysql_fetch_object,,en,result,,nl,driving & gt; COL_CALL,,nl,COL_CALL,,en,target=,,en,_blank,,en,>,,en,row & gt; COL_BAND,,nl,row & gt; COL_MODE,,nl,row & gt; COL_RST_RCVD,,nl “

$rij->COL_CALL COL_CALL\” target=\”_blank\”> $rij->COL_BAND $rij->COL_MODE $rij->COL_RST_RCVD




(including stations worked on multiple bands).
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